TNNA Long Beach 2011


We had a good time this year at TNNA, the National Needle Arts trade show. I had a really fun day with Marsha, our cruise director and tour guide, and my sister Nancy, the world famous kung-fu master of the credit card.

Marsha & Nancy

Be Sweet yarns had tons of eye candy, as usual. This year Nadine seems to be bringing in a natural color palette next to her candy store brights.

Be Sweet

Be Sweet

Be Sweet

Be Sweet

Be Sweet

We had a lot of fun checking out Imperial Yarns. These yarns are grown, sheered, spun and dyed in Oregon and are gorgeous.

Imperial Ranch

Imperial Ranch

Helen Hamann's booth was a color feast, so many beautiful brights!

Helen Hamann

Helen Hamann

choosing colorways

Of course, Manos del Uruguay didn't let us down. They're launching a new line of colors that can be seen from space!

Manos del Uruguay

But don't worry, they still have our old favorites!

Manos del Uruguay

I think it's time to stop here, I still have more but let's save it for tomorrow! If you want more right now you can hop over to Nancy's recap at the beautifully redesigned blog.