Let it be easy

Daily Digest: No. 6

I’m here to tell you (and me) that you can let this job be easy.

You can wake up every day and decide to say, “I get to do this today. This is exactly what I dreamed of before I started my business.”

I think a lot of the challenges we face as independent business owners is from our own internal struggles.

Maybe we don’t know how to do something so it feels challenging to learn.

Maybe we have a to-do list a mile long so it feels daunting to tackle.

Maybe we have outside requests for our attention so it feels like there’s never any time to accomplish what we need to in a day.

But you know what? We’ve learned something new before. We’ve finished several to-do lists over the years. We’ve gotten a lot of work done even with other people asking us for stuff!

Whatever the struggle is it’s there, it feels real and it happens to all of us every day.

But I’m here today to think about a new way to approach our work day. What if we just sat down and got to work? What if we just chose the most important small task at the top of our list and did it until it was done? What’s more satisfying than finishing something? Not much! What a great way to start the day.

Which is why –

  • I want to sit down every day and remember why I do what I do.

  • I want to sit down every day and just get something done.

  • I want to get out of my own way and let my job be easy.

I chose this job (career, life path…) for a reason and I want that reason to stop feeling like an uphill climb.

I’m going to let it be easy and see where that takes me...