Stop checking your email

Daily Digest: No. 10

It may sound counterintuitive to being successful, but seriously, stop checking your emails every minute. And, definitely turn off the notifications on your phone and computer!

They’re distracting and they take away from our ability to actually focus on work.

Unpopular opinion coming in here: Emails are not urgent.

However, emails are important!

Email has become the main communication channel between my customers and me for both B2B and B2C. I really like the slower pace of it so I lean into it!

Here’s my email mindset –

I only check my emails if I have the time and energy to respond.


  • If I’m too busy then I’m not offering a thoughtful reply.

  • If I’m too tired then I’m not offering a thoughtful reply.

  • If I’m too distracted then I’m not offering a thoughtful reply.

  • If I’m out of the office and on my phone then I’m not offering a thoughtful reply.

Not providing a thoughtful reply doesn’t serve my customer or me because it only leaves more questions (and emails) to be answered!

If I can’t meet the needs of the email at that moment then what’s the point of opening my inbox at all? It’s just adding more to information into my brain and for no gain.

Here is when I check my emails –

Every morning: Consumer-facing inbox – Open and check inbox ONE TIME answering any questions and finishing every email.

Morning, Noon, Night: Wholesale-facing and direct to me emails – Open and check THREE TIMES per day. Morning usually establishes if I have any orders to fulfill. Midday is usually just a glance through to see if there are any loose ends. Evening has one last check to sort through interesting items I might want to read to wind down before closing out for the night.

That’s it!

Not everything is urgent. Email is not urgent. Email is however important so it deserves your full attention. If someone needs you they can call or text you, they’re not going to email so stop opening that inbox!

I even deleted the email app off my phone so I don’t just open it because it’s there. Try it, it’s worth it!